Thursday, 30 October 2014

The Secret To Long Life

She's in her 60s

Recently someone I thought to have been a woman in her 60s and one that I often greeted casually, celebrated her eightieth birthday. I was reluctant to join the long queue of parishioners who followed in the thanksgiving Service as somewhere at the back of my mind I was wondering when increasing your age has become another way of scoring a cheap publicity point. From the caliber of persons who followed her, some of whom were bent over I advised myself to join as Surely these persons too could not possibly be lying.

In fact I was Hardly the only one who thought so as the special invitee, a highly placed Government official and a good friend of the celebrants grandson joked that he was looking out to see who the eighty year old celebrant was. During photographs, It fully became my business to be there and I made sure that the only picture I was not found in was the one of she and her only brother. I even found myself in pictures with daughters, grand daughters, In laws, Village Women' association and all other pictures taken that day. Tell me who would not want to be associated with such a feat especially as this Mummy still had all her factors Screaming.

I cornered her later and ask the faithful question "mommy?" I called smiling I am really impressed I'm totally dumbfounded, what would you say is the secret to looking good at eighty? I hastily added "if you can tell me in one sentence?" she smiled and said "Watch what you eat and exercise". That sounded good enough to me the question now was can I truly implement this? Looking at her again I was determined but didn't want to keep it to myself.


Ijeoma said...

Nice tips Itomie, but are you sure she's in her 60s?

Bella said...

Wow! That's incredible!!

Onome said...

I wish I knew exactly what to eat. I wish someone could set up an eating routine for me. I don't exactly know what these right foods are, I need help.

Samoda said...

For me, I just can't get myself to believe that woman to be in her 60s.

Anonymous said...

Ok! For those that want eating routine, here it is
Drink Pap in the morning
Drink Garri in the afternoon
Drink Tea at night
Just drink anything you want as food rather than chewing it...researchers have found out that chewing speeds up your metabolism and makes you consume more food than necessary. So, drink, drink, drink.

Ijeoma said...

Really? @anonymous

Ijeoma said...

You better start drinking Akpu and Eba, nonsense boy...hahahahaha!!