This Picture should encourage every girl who thinks she might be too tall for the throb of her heart that is to say that he may actually be fully tripped by your height enough to want to carry you around every where he goes. shocked?.. don't be because recently at a wedding reception l saw one such couple, the Man was considerably small while the wife towered over him; under normal circumstances one could even have thought them to have been relations with the man being the younger of the two but no.. the man was fully out there drawing attention to the fact that this was his wife.
Firstly, they came in a uniform which for me was not out of place since it was a wedding another asebi l thought but the man held firmly to the ladys hands as they made their entrance which was somewhat grand because many were seated and believe me they drew eyes to them. I secretly applauded them as l thought bravo, fancy that. As they walked past me l said to myself she couldn't possibly be wearing heals but to my surprise the lady had on killer heals that Models of these days might even shy away from....Go Girl.. l thought as the applause got louder in my head. What an interesting Couple I thought now how can l get to know them better so l became distracted to say the least as my focus switched from awaiting the entrance of the bridal train to looking out for where this special Couple would be sitting. Can l possibly change my seat and inch towards their table? but no my friend was whispering something to me against the loud music so l flashed her a smile as l didnt hear a word she said of course l was fully engaged in the world of the odd couple. My moment came during Pictures when a particular group of friends were called and the couple stepped out to join them; The lady snuggled against her husband as though striking a pose as the husband lengthened himself a little more to look stronger against his Wife. Hmm...l thought he must be a millionaire as my eyes followed them.. 'Ladies in red head tie! !' someone shouted as my friend tugged at me...Oh ok l said as l was pulled into the picture but no sooner did that happen l saw the couple making away so l chased them somewhat pushing past many as l shouted over the noise at them...Hello!!
They stopped and looked puzzled so l introduced myself and we exchanged pleasantries then l asked if they had been married long... Yes the man blotted out as he pointed to their children being brought to join them. Wow... I said I had not seen them. They both smiled as l thought Ehen...this man didnt want their children to steal the moment from them as they made their grand entrance....She must truly be his Trophy. My take then on this is that every girl should fully appreciate who and how she is as somewhere is that man for whom you will be a trophy whether or not you are above six feet.
Generated by Itomie
Funny but teachable!
ROTF LMAO!!! Ok, girls please believe in yourselves.
I can't stop laughing. Hahahhahahaha!!! No comment!!
Girls be happy about yourselves oo. Good inspiration.
What girls don't know is that there is always a guy that like you just for the way you are. There are guys that like short girls, others like short girls. Some like good character minus looks, others like looks even though your character is shit. So be yourself. Don't change anything about yourself for a guy. If a guy doesn't like the way you are right now, he still will not like the way you'd change to be, b'coz he is not your guy. ALWAYS WAIT FOR YOUR OWN.
For girls changing their appearance to suit a guy's taste. Be Yourself.
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