Thursday 6 November 2014

The Man That Shot Osama Bin Laden Finally Revealed - Rob O'Neil

Rob O'Neill is the Navy SEAL who shot Osama bin Laden, the 9/11 mastermind dead on May 2, 2011 in his compound in Abborttabad, Pakistan.  He was unmasked for the first time last night ahead of a highly anticipated Fox News interview in which he is expected to talk about his experience in confronting Bin Laden and his description of the terrorist leader’s final moments.

O'Neill and his family decided to reveal his role in the Navy SEAL's most storied raid despite the risks. His father Tom O’Neill said: "People are asking if we are worried that ISIS will come and get us because Rob is going public. I say I’ll paint a big target on my front door and say come and get us."

His decorations include two Silver Stars, four Bronze Stars with Valor, a Joint Service Commendation Medal with Valor, three Presidential Unit citations, and two Navy/Marine Corps Commendations with Valor.  Read more here here
Nigerian/British man Sam Ayodele Ogunnoiki has been banned from his security job after returning to the UK following a 3-week trip to Nigeria to visit his mother. The reason he was banned from work is because his employers feared he contracted Ebola in Nigeria, even though there isn’t a single case of Ebola in Nigeria.
He works security at the Pendennis Shipyard in Cornwall.
Last week I told you about a 7 year old American/Nigerian girl who was banned from her school in Connecticut in America after visiting Nigeria. [READ HERE IF YOU MISSED IT]
According to Daily Mail, Sam who has worked for Stout Security LTD for eight years, was told by the director Trevor Mannell that he had to allay colleagues’ fears that he had brought Ebola back from Nigeria.

In his letter to Ogunnoiki, Mannell wrote,
You have been in my employ for several years and I have always done my very best to look after you, frequently helping you out when you called on me for assistance. With our friendship in mind, I have spoken to you and expressed my very deep concerns about your trip to Nigeria. Several members of staff have now voiced their concerns about the possibility of your carrying the Ebola virus back with you and have made it very clear that they are extremely reluctant to work with you on your return. One member of staff has even written a clear and concise letter stating the concerns of your work colleagues. In this case I have to support their concerns – especially as I have already voiced them personally to you.
In order to allay any fears that you are a carrier for this deadly virus, I feel I cannot allow you to return to work until you have been back in the United Kingdom for three weeks – which is the incubation period. I must also request that you visit your doctor on your return and get a clean bill of health before you can start work with us.I am very sorry about this Sam but everyone works in close proximity together and I have to put the concerns of the majority first.
Ogunnoiki told Daily Mail,
I have worked at Stout since moving to Cornwall in 2006 when I married my wife, who is English.I went to the Port Health Authority and they told me there was no problem with visiting my mother in Nigeria so I went and came back on Saturday.I then got the letter and a text from Mr Mannell saying he couldn’t allow me to return to work in case I had Ebola. I was scanned for Ebola in Nigeria and everything came back fine. There is this stigma surrounding me now. It’s just ignorance and a nightmare because I cannot work. I’m a British citizen. My wife does the same job as me and I saw her at the weekend and she has been allowed to work, but if she has been in contact with me she would have Ebola too. There is no justification for this at all.
He added,
I doubt I’ll get any more work at the security firm. It’s a problem. I don’t know what I’m going to do for work now. I don’t want to go on benefits. But I doubt I’ll get any more work at the security firm. It’s a problem.
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