Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Trendy News!!! Guys! No Dry Lips! Even President Goodluck Jonathan's Got A Lip Gloss!


Don’t you just hate it when someone has dry, ashy lips? Mostly common during harmattan or winter! Guys tend not to pay attention to their lips, and their chapped and peeling lip look is so unattractive and not a good look!

But our President isn’t one of those 'coz he knows the importance of keeping one’s lips moisturized. In a recent photo released by presidential spokesman, Reuben Abati, alongside a transcript of the President’s New Year’s address, we can see the President GEJ’s lips are well glossed & camera ready. Or could it be Mama Patience just gave him a passionate kiss before he recorded his New Year’s message? What do you think people?

Image Credit: Reuben Abati

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