Monday, 12 January 2015

Make-Up Tips For A Perfect Pout

We all desire those plump, luscious, full lips when going out and you can easily achieve that by using the right techniques and of course, the right products. These tips will come in handy especially with this current weather situation so let’s get started!
perfect-pout makeup guide styljunki
First thing first, we need to exfoliate and moisturize the lips to get a softer and smoother feel. No one likes dry, chapped lips. Then follow these makeup tips to achieve your dream lips.
1. Apply a dab of concealer around your lips, especially the cupid arch. It helps to give the lips a fine edge
2. Line your lips with a lip liner that matches your exact lip tone
3. Make sure to line your lips fully, filling in everywhere. Take note of the cupid arch and the corners of the lips
4. Apply your lipstick and add a touch of lip gloss to give the lips shine
5. Smack away and wow everyone.
perfect pout
Recommended Lip Product: L.A Girl Glazed Lip Paint

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