Thursday 13 November 2014

5 Eyeshadow Mistakes You Should Avoid

1. Blending With Palette Applicators

The mini applicators that come in an eye shadow compact are convenient, we’ll give them that. However, the sponge tip applies such a large amount of pigment at once, it’s nearly impossible to blend. A brush allows you to dab color on in increments and build as you go.

2. Skipping the Blend

Similar to contouring the face, eyes look best paired with a blend of colors along the lid and brow bone. Harsh lines between colors look sloppy. Use a shadow brush to blend each color into the other and create the most flattering dimensions.

3. Applying Concealer Before Eye Shadow

Here’s a chicken-or-the-egg scenario for you: Do you apply concealer before after your eye makeup? The hard-and-fast rule is always after. Stray shadow can fall off and attach to precisely placed concealer. Instead, dab concealer on the undereye after blending.

4. Adding Too Much Product Below the Eye

When applying shadow below the eye, keep it tight along the lash line. Too much product will drag the eye downward and make you appear tired.

5. Matching Color to Your Eyes

It goes to reason that blue eyes look best with blue eye shadow, right? Wrong. Because the shadow will be a truer shade of blue, it will actually dilute the eye color. Always pair eyes with shades on the opposite side of the color wheel. Yellow or gold will make blue eyes pop while green eyes look best with plums and lavenders.

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