Wednesday 5 November 2014

What men should know

Smile always
I recently found myself in a crowded business center and like others I was hustling for attention and a place to sit. It wasn't too bad a Place as there were air-conditioners and good displays of the many artistic designs they had produced.

Happy to have found a seat and while I waited to give my job order, my attention was quickly drawn to the fact that as much as the place had many Customers, no one was losing their Temper which is rare in this part of the world. I soon noticed why.

A man Who I would ordinarily look past was at his best beaming smiles at people and gladly approaching them to ask whether they needed help. He soon got to me and After exchanging greetings he actually complimented me on how I looked which I thought was rare too. I mean what was his business with what I look like in what would ordinarily be a mad house? I soon noticed that the other women were following him with their eyes as I was after he left me to the next customer. Hmmm I thought this is strange. What is it about this guy? Then I remembered a conversation I had awhile ago with a friend.
A funny business guy attracts girls' attention

Women Genetically Prefer Funny Men

When I complimented my friend about how good she looks at her age she said "don't worry I work at it because my husband keeps me on my toes." Really?” I asked “yes! only because I have all these other women that fancy him constantly giving me a challenge". Oh I said with a smile as I know fully well that the poor man was innocent of all her suspicions and that the only point I would agree with her was that he was a friendly man that pays particular attention to complementing his wife's friends. Is another way men can get attention from women complementing their clothes?. 

Brought to you by: Itomie
Image credit:tipsontalking 


Samoda said...

Really? Women genetically prefer funny men? Woah!

Ijeoma said...

Guys' tip? Good for them

Kelvin said...

That means I'm turning into a!

Gabby said...

Really? Then I'm gonna keep my 32 out all!

Eloihim said...

Yea, but my problem is people call you flirt when you try this approach...

Michael said...

Its a cool tips. It works, cause I throw a joke and got all girls wanting to be my side..but dude when you don't do it right you're so in!

Anonymous said...

Brush your teeth daily so as to smile always oo!

Ijeoma said...

But guyz, don't expect girls' attention when you laugh so irritatingly.. you know too much of everything is bad..just keep it low and you'll get what you want...lmao!!!